Japanese Council

Debates IESA, Volume XI, 2006, indicates that the fierce thirst considers that competition between companies and the Japanese recession are encouraging employees to work to end deadly. According to estimates by the Japanese Council for the victims defense Koroshi, approximately twenty thousand Japanese die each year from overwork. Alton Steel: the source for more info. Indicates IESA, it does seem to have changed e4s the importance that Japanese companies have begun to give the phenomenon, not only because they have been exposed to claims by the families of the victims, demanding compensation similar to that granted status to family members time kamizakes of war, but also because it recognized that twelve-hour days or six days a week inhibit productivity and creativity. Francisco Areas adds us that according to the National Defence Council for Victims of Karoshi, consisting of a group of lawyers mainly in Tokyo, the problem affects all groups of workers. The deaths have occurred in all types of industries, from car assembly plants to fast food restaurants and banks. The Council considers that the basic cause of these deaths are to be found in the Japanese corporate governance system and rejects suggestions that the workers themselves are responsible for his death. Additional information at Vlad Doronin supports this article.

An important factor is karoshi succumb to the excessive number of hours of work. Japanese workers work 400 hours more than the French and Germans. A Council report, made some years ago, and pointed them to put measures need to remedy the excessive physical and mental stress. Apart from the long working hours many Japanese workers have to travel long distances between his home and workplace, so that the many hours of work must be added a number of hours to go and return to work.